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Peters & May Teams with Qatar F1 Racers

posted Wed, 03/07/2012 - 7:07pm in Performance Boats
Building on its position as " title="" border="0" style="float: CONFIG;" class="thumbnail" />



Building on its position as "Official Logistics Provider" to the Qatar Marine Sports Federation (QMSF), Peters & May—the world's leading international boat transport specialists—will assume a prominent role with the QMSF's F1 Powerboat Team in its efforts to secure a 2012 UIM world title.


Go-Pro Footage!

posted Wed, 03/07/2012 - 4:13pm in Official APBA Communications
Do you have any "Go-Pro" footage that you would like to be featured on the new  We are looking for footage from the drivers perspective to go on the new website!!

Please e-mail the footage to or send us the link to where we can find it!!

Please include category, class, and name of driver/boat!



Go-Pro Footage!

posted Wed, 03/07/2012 - 4:13pm in Official APBA Communications
Do you have any "Go-Pro" footage that you would like to be featured on the new  We are looking for footage from the drivers perspective to go on the new website!!

Please e-mail the footage to or send us the link to where we can find it!!

Please include category, class, and name of driver/boat!



OPC Driver School

posted Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:55pm in Official APBA Communications
Attached is a some really exciting news. The OPC Commission has been working on this for the past few months and I'm pleased to announce we have a schedule for this program.

 We look forward to see you in the cockpit soon!!!

OPC Driver School

posted Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:55pm in Official APBA Communications
Attached is a some really exciting news. The OPC Commission has been working on this for the past few months and I'm pleased to announce we have a schedule for this program.

 We look forward to see you in the cockpit soon!!!


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